The Adventure Begins!

We are dipping out on Tampa! Going where no one has gone before: to explore strange new lands and civilizations to ensure we have an awesome life. Follow along with us on this excellent adventure!

Gearing up for the exciting journey! please start from the beginning of the blog if your a new visitor


We want to encourage our readers to join in on our adventure and make suggestions to us. Basically tell us where to go, what to do, where to eat, and just anything that you may know of that we should not pass by. Many of you have been where we are going and probably know more than us. Also venues and whatever may be going on where we may be would be great.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Get us to Niagara, please!!!

We woke up a bit later than we anticipated because we were so exhausted from the long drive the night before and geared up for the American Falls today. We were feeling a bit sluggish and needed a little pick-me-up, so we cruised over to the local Dunkin Donuts for our morning perk.

Ryan and I continually have had bad luck with the lattes at Dunkin Donuts, but we keep giving them another chance because we do like their coffee/espresso blend and all the flavors they offer. So we went in, ordered 2 vanilla lattes or something to that nature, paid up, grabbed the lattes, took a big swig and..."YUCK!!" It was literally like coffee water with a whole bunch of milk. I looked at Ryan and he looked back at me and we knew what we had to do. Ryan stepped up to the plate and asked them if they could please make us new ones because these were horrible. He said, "I hate to be this guy, but we just paid 3 bucks for these and we can't even take another sip of them." The young girl obliged and tried to remake them. One of the managers came over and decided to help out and make then for us instead. We were hoping she had the magic touch or just the touch that knows how to make proper lattes. Now, Ryan and I are by no means, coffee snobs, but we do have taste buds that aren't broken and know what a latte should taste like.

The moment of truth...The manager hands us the new ones, Ryan samples them and yep, they were still gross coffee water/milk. So Ryan took the lead and said, "Can we just get our money back because this is the second time you are making them and they still aren't good and we don't want to keep wasting eachother's time here." So, the girl opened the register and gave us our cash back. What a lose-lose situation to be in. They didn't get our money and we didn't get the caffeine kick we needed.

Ryan and I from this day forward made a pact to just order plain coffees from Dunkin Donuts.

Well, after that retarded snag in our morning we pushed on and headed for the American Falls. We needed a place to park the RV and there were 2 parking lots that were right next to eachother competing for cars. We pulled up and the one guy was yelling at us to park in his lot. He yelled, "We'll only charge ya 10 bucks. If you go over to those guys they'll charge ya 20. So we pulled over to get to his lot which was cramped and the guy taking the money said, "That'll be 20 bucks, please." I said, "Whoa, whoa, the guy calling us in to the lot said it was 10 bucks here." The guy responded with, "Well that is for 1 spot and you will take up 2 spots so it will be 20." Well, I was annoyed at this point and I was not going to pay 20 dollars to park, so I told the guy, no way, I'm not parking here and I backed Yella's big ol' booty outta that lot and headed for their competitor.

We pulled into the other lot and the ticket lady told us that we can't park here. What?!?! She said there is no RV parking. You'll have to drive over to the island and pay 20 bucks there and walk back. So I manuevered Yella outta that lot too. What gives people really, I just want to see the Falls. So, I said to Ry, I got a plan. I think I saw a street spot that was big enough for us to parallel park in. We drove around the corner and there it was: A FREE street spot that was big enough for the Yella. We very carefully pulled it in and we were in business. We hopped out and headed for the Falls with our 20 bucks in our pockets. haha..

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