The Adventure Begins!

We are dipping out on Tampa! Going where no one has gone before: to explore strange new lands and civilizations to ensure we have an awesome life. Follow along with us on this excellent adventure!

Gearing up for the exciting journey! please start from the beginning of the blog if your a new visitor


We want to encourage our readers to join in on our adventure and make suggestions to us. Basically tell us where to go, what to do, where to eat, and just anything that you may know of that we should not pass by. Many of you have been where we are going and probably know more than us. Also venues and whatever may be going on where we may be would be great.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Driving to Yellowstone & Beyond!

Our mission today after we got out of Canada, was to drive as far as we could in one day. We drove through Washington which was very pretty and then hit Idaho, which we realized was quite mountainous in the northern region. It started snowing on us in the dark which sucked. But then we entered Montana  and stopped in this little town called Coeur d' Alene and had the best IHOP breakfast ever. We were the only 2 people in the restaurant and these 2 young high schoolers, girl and boy, cooked and served us like we were Hollywood celebrities. Even gave us coffee to go and didn't charge us. Small-town Montana peeps are real sweet! Got gas in a town called Anaconda and hit the road til we crashed in Masula at a Walmart.

We woke up and headed for West Yellowstone, which is on the north western tip of Wyoming on the border of Montana, so we were almost there. Thank God! The weather was so crappy and snowy out but the Yella pushed through like a champ. We headed into the quaint West Yellowstone, only to find out that everything was closed due to the snow and wouldn't open up for a few more days. What the Heck! We drove all through the night to get here, which Yellowstone was the highlight of our trip and it is freakin' closed! Well, we had been lucky so far throughout the trip, so a lil bump in the road wasn't going to get us down.

We found a Hotel that had RV parking and hook-ups, so we backed our Yella into a snow covered spot and hung out for the day. We walked around the little town and decided to just drive through Yellowstone to see the nature and wildlife. We saw tons of bison, a family of rams, more bison (just hanging out on the side of the road), all types of birds, super cute antelope, wolves, deer families and even a bear, oh my! It was so cool to be that close to all the wildlife without any fencing around like at the zoo. We really enjoyed seeing the animals in their natural habitat and of course, respected their space by not getting too close. We headed back to the RV to plan our attack for the following day.

It was so crazy though, to take a shower at their facilities, I had to walk through all this snow. What a weird feeling to experience right after taking a shower. Very refreshing!

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