The Adventure Begins!

We are dipping out on Tampa! Going where no one has gone before: to explore strange new lands and civilizations to ensure we have an awesome life. Follow along with us on this excellent adventure!

Gearing up for the exciting journey! please start from the beginning of the blog if your a new visitor


We want to encourage our readers to join in on our adventure and make suggestions to us. Basically tell us where to go, what to do, where to eat, and just anything that you may know of that we should not pass by. Many of you have been where we are going and probably know more than us. Also venues and whatever may be going on where we may be would be great.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

All the Way to Cali! San Diego Style!

Day 1, San Diego Fun: We made it...we actually made it all the way across the country. We are now in California! San Diego was our first stop. We were dying to check out the San Diego Zoo, the Pacific Ocean and In-N-Out Burger, for sure! We spent the night at a Walmart right on the outskirts and headed to the Zoo first thing in the morning, since we couldn't check in at our campsite til noon. We met up with Ryan's cousin, Joe and his girlfriend and had an awesome time hanging out and seeing all the wild animals. We even got to see a momma panda bear and her cub, it was insane! We had to be really quiet when we went into the Panda viewing center since they get nervous and since the momma panda gets territorial with her cub. But it was so interesting to see these beautiful animals in their habitat. The momma Panda was ripping up bamboo and chewing it, while the lil cub was rolling around the rock being silly and cleaning his coat. After the Zoo, we headed over to Ocean Beach and walked along the fishing pier, after we grabbed a bite at this oceanfront cafe. The beaches out west are nothing like back home and it gave me a whole new appreciation for them. The waves were ripping and we got to see a couple surfers ride them out.

Day 2: First thing's first, we had to start our day right....with a lil Double Double at In-N-Out Burger, animal style! For all of you who have never ventured to an In-N-Out Burger, it is heavenly! It's not like a Burger King or McDonald's greasy, grose out burger. It's more like an old fashioned 1950's burger joint. And we got our burgers and fries animal style, which is with grilled onions and thousand island dressing. After our mini pigout, we hit Pacific Beach on the scooters which was just a couple miles from our campsite. It was this really cool beach town with awesome thrift stores, cool lil scooter/motorcycle shops, bicycle stores and beachy cafe's all along it. We took our sneakers off and headed to the water to dip our feet into the Pacific Ocean for the first time. And it was...FREEZING!!!! I don't how some of those people were swimming/surfing in there. But I guess, once you get over the initial shock, my feet started to get used to it. But that was the only body part of mine that was going in.

We headed back on the scooters for Downtown San Diego to see the skyline and the harbor/marina. There was even a cool old naval ship that housed the USS Midway Museum we checked out. It was starting to get late and we wanted to head back home before it got dark and freezing, but we just had one more stop on the way. Old Town San Diego, which is exactly what the name is the First Town of San Diego where the first schoolhouse, general store, courthouse and candy stores. It was like Cracker Country back home, only the real deal. I picked up some 20 cent old fashioned candy stix and then we headed for home back on the scoots. It was a cold and bumpy ride, but we made it back safely.

Stay tuned for the City of Angels!!!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hey guys - hows it going - did you survive all the earthquakes? Karen(Austin)

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