The Adventure Begins!

We are dipping out on Tampa! Going where no one has gone before: to explore strange new lands and civilizations to ensure we have an awesome life. Follow along with us on this excellent adventure!

Gearing up for the exciting journey! please start from the beginning of the blog if your a new visitor


We want to encourage our readers to join in on our adventure and make suggestions to us. Basically tell us where to go, what to do, where to eat, and just anything that you may know of that we should not pass by. Many of you have been where we are going and probably know more than us. Also venues and whatever may be going on where we may be would be great.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Scooting in San Fran!

We woke up this morning, got geared up and headed out on the scoots towards downtown San Fran! It was a windy and bumpy ride, but mostly it was gorgeous out with the sun shining and cool breeze whipping our faces. We headed down the Embarcadero towards Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39. We were cruising along when we saw this bike rack on the sidewalk filled with motor bikes and we immediately pulled over and added our scoots to the mix. It was awesome that the city has these sidewalk spaces available at no charge to motorcyclists. We parked ours near a couple Vespas and this sweet Triumph. We headed towards the Wharf and took a few pics of the Bay Bridge. We ate at this lil place called Chowders in the Wharf where they have the best Clam chowder, but we opted for fish n' chips instead since it was a warmish kinda day. We sat outside and ate our lunch while checking out the sea lions hanging on the barges. We took a few oics and admired their antics for a moment. It was cool to see all of them just hanging out, but I think we got spoiled going up the coast and seeing all the elephant seals so close up.

We walked over to Pier 33 to find out about joining the Alcatraz tour. I have been once before and it was awesome, so I am more than happy to go again with Ry. But unfortunately, since we are not much for planners, it was sold out for the rest of the day. The lady at the checkout window let us know we could advance purchase our tickets for tomorrow, so we hesitated at first at the thought of actually committing to a set time, but we grin and beared it and made it for the morning so we have no excuses tomorrow. Can't wait to check it out again. It will be a chilly ride over on the ferry.

After that, we headed over to this plaza, I think it was named "Justin Herman", but it had this awesome water fountain feature where there were stepping stones and you could walk under the waterfalls. Pretty cool stuff. I didn't think we were allowed at first, but others were doing it, so I guess it was okay. We also managed to catch a middle school glee club and jazz band playing in the park, along with this sweet exhibit called "The British Columbia Experience'. They had zip lines running through the plaza and you could do it for free. I know there must be some catch and there is...You have to get in line at 7:30am and pray that at 10:00am they have free wristbands available for ya. We might try tomorrow, otherwise we will have to attempt Sat. or Sun. But it would be cool to do it.

It started to get pretty cool, so we jumped back on the scoots, stopped at Safeway to pick up some dinner to cook and headed back to the Yella to work on the blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So...I woke up early to make my way to the bay from Sacramento to see my faves Lace and Ryan! Pulled up to their sweet RV Park...right across the street from Candlestick Park. Lace gave me the tour of the place! They have an awesome set up. Everything you could ever need including a very convenient condiment drawer. Ry was hard at work on the blog! We packed up and headed downtown! Went to eat at Tommy's Joynt, this amazing cafeteria style restaurant that has been in SF for decades and always packed. We had to wait 15 minutes until we got to the counter and another five because we were stuck behind a few older ladies who just couldn't decide. They had their noses to the glass! Lace and I were making fun until Ryan pointed out that we were doing the same thing! Needless to say the food was BOMB! After eating we drove down to the Exploratorium and the beach to catch a closer view of the Golden Gate Bridge! We had to catch a feel of the water and it was freezing! That didn't stop people from jumping right in. Are they nuts? Did I mention the temperature outside wasn't much warmer. People in their swimsuits having a great time on what may have been the ugliest beach I have ever seen? Definitely not in Tampa anymore! I am so excited to be crashing their party! It's just like the good old days! I am thinking about hiding in the bathroom when they depart tomorrow morning for the next stop. Time to rest up for a night out in the city! I;m ready to dance my pants off! To be continued...

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