The Adventure Begins!

We are dipping out on Tampa! Going where no one has gone before: to explore strange new lands and civilizations to ensure we have an awesome life. Follow along with us on this excellent adventure!

Gearing up for the exciting journey! please start from the beginning of the blog if your a new visitor


We want to encourage our readers to join in on our adventure and make suggestions to us. Basically tell us where to go, what to do, where to eat, and just anything that you may know of that we should not pass by. Many of you have been where we are going and probably know more than us. Also venues and whatever may be going on where we may be would be great.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Majestic Ol' Grand Canyon!

Day 2 Hitting the Canyon Up! : We woke up early and were excited to find that the snow had meted a little bit and the sun was slowly coming out. We got geared up, long john's and all, and headed out on the scoots up to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. We walked slowly up to the viewing tower, catching our breath from the elevation and entered the most breathtaking view I have only witnessed in photos. It was amazing! I literally felt like I was looking at a National Geographic magazine. It didn't feel real for a moment, until we stepped outside again, the crisp air putting a chill in our bones...we walked down a few rocky paths to get closer to the view, stood at the guard rail and looked out in astonishment. I felt so special at that moment, actually being able to see something like that in my lifetime. It's so crazy how we take for granted living on this earth, but when you see the Grand Canyon it is so surreal. I would definitely suggest to everyone in this world to view this thing before you die. It will blow you away!

We walked all along the southern rim, hitting all different angles of the Canyon. Some views still had snow, while others gave us views of the rare and endangered bird, the California Condor. We stopped in at this cool, old hotel up in the canyon that was built in the 1920's. Took a stroll through their museum and grabbed a bite to eat. Talk about a seat with a view!

We attempted to hike down to the bottom of the canyon to take the trail to the river or atleast halfway, but it was really slippery from the ice and my nike sneakers just weren't cutting it, so we had turn back. But it gave us something to look forward to next time and we will definitely be back to the Canyon again.

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