The Adventure Begins!

We are dipping out on Tampa! Going where no one has gone before: to explore strange new lands and civilizations to ensure we have an awesome life. Follow along with us on this excellent adventure!

Gearing up for the exciting journey! please start from the beginning of the blog if your a new visitor


We want to encourage our readers to join in on our adventure and make suggestions to us. Basically tell us where to go, what to do, where to eat, and just anything that you may know of that we should not pass by. Many of you have been where we are going and probably know more than us. Also venues and whatever may be going on where we may be would be great.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

PCH headed to San Fran!

We hit the road running and were excited to get back on the PCH beacuse the scenery was just about to get even more breathtaking. We rode along these beautiful, lush green mountains to our right and the crystal deep blue ocean waves crashing to our left. We kept having to recharge our camera battery because the pictures just kept coming, We pulled up to the Hearst Castle site and were psyched, only to find out that we had missed the last tour for the day. But they were showing the movie about the Castle, which was basically just a tease, if we weren't going to get to actually see it. We walked through the Free exhibit and decided not to stay overnight and wait for the next morning tour. So we jumped back in the Yella and headed on. We rolled up to the Elephant Seals viewing center. It was amazing to see these sloth-like creatures all along the shore. It was molting season for them which happens about once a year and it is when they shed their fur for new fur growth. It was pretty crazy to see them all shedding like that. They yawned and yelled and even burped loudly. They started to spar with one another, flip sand over themselves and sneeze on one another. It was pretty crazy to be so close to them like that. We took some pics and some video of the furry guys and hopped back into the RV. It was going to be dark soon and we didn't know how the roads would be ahead.

We stopped once more at this awesome vista point. It was this hug mountain behind us, with a couple smaller cliffs where the waves were breaking and we had to take advantage of the photo op. The landscape out there is so green and untouched, it is surreal to see. We rolled out in the Yella and ventured onto on an insane, stomach twisting roller coaster ride of a drive on PCH. We were driving alongside the tops of the mountains on the cliff overlooking the ocean, that was a bit too close for comfort. We made the same S-curve, after S-curve maneuver and I was handling it like a champ. But my stomach was in knots. I just prayed that we would get through it and it would be over soon, which it was, after 75 miles of that crap. I think I left that drive with a 6-pack after all my stomach clenching. But we did it! We got through it, just like we always do. And we even managed to not run out of gas either. Woo-hoo!

While driving through the mountain, we stopped in at the Big Sur Inn and grabbed some gas and noticed how cool of a little realxing town it was. There was this cool little river stream that runs through it and it seemed like a perfect place to go for a couple days to relax, hike and just get to know nature a little bit better. We jotted it down, as a possible future place to look into visiting again and headed forward to Marina for an overnight stay at the Walmart. San Fran in the morning!

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