The Adventure Begins!

We are dipping out on Tampa! Going where no one has gone before: to explore strange new lands and civilizations to ensure we have an awesome life. Follow along with us on this excellent adventure!

Gearing up for the exciting journey! please start from the beginning of the blog if your a new visitor


We want to encourage our readers to join in on our adventure and make suggestions to us. Basically tell us where to go, what to do, where to eat, and just anything that you may know of that we should not pass by. Many of you have been where we are going and probably know more than us. Also venues and whatever may be going on where we may be would be great.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Avenue of the Giants & Humboldt County:

Driving to see the Redwoods on the way up to Humboldt County. Ryan and I felt like crap after our wild night out in San Fran with good ol’ Alyse. We pushed it to the extreme and so the next day was of all days, driving day. Not so good for me and even worse for Ry, since he would be driving all of it. I started to feel a bit better, thank god, so I got behind the wheel to give Ry a rest. We got close to Humboldt County, but decided to pull into a Walmart for the night and rest up.
The next morning, we headed for Humboldt and man, was it gorgeous up there. I see why they call it “The Lost Coast”. It was amazing! The beautiful ocean with huge rock islands and the sweet, green mountains too. The people were real friendly and laid-back, naturally.  We stayed for a night to check out the Redwood Forest and the 4:20 festival, to see what kind of silly hippies we could run into.
The Redwood trees are literally out of this world, like Fern Gully to the max. It was insane…I felt so minuscule compared to these giants. Anyways, we enjoyed our scenic nature stay in NorCal, but were excited to head for Oregon, Portland that is.

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