The Adventure Begins!

We are dipping out on Tampa! Going where no one has gone before: to explore strange new lands and civilizations to ensure we have an awesome life. Follow along with us on this excellent adventure!

Gearing up for the exciting journey! please start from the beginning of the blog if your a new visitor


We want to encourage our readers to join in on our adventure and make suggestions to us. Basically tell us where to go, what to do, where to eat, and just anything that you may know of that we should not pass by. Many of you have been where we are going and probably know more than us. Also venues and whatever may be going on where we may be would be great.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Today was the day we were headed to the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. After our Jay Leno interviews on the street the day before, I walked over to one of the porducers, Pablo, and asked him how we could get tickets to see the show. He handed me his number and told him to call him first thing in the morning and he would see what he could do. Well, I called him that morning and he had put us on his guest list so we were all set for the show. We had to get there at 2:45pm exactly. But before we hit the show, we had muscle beach on our mind and wanted to hit up Venice first.

We walked alongside the boardwalk, checking out the funky hippie-dippie shops and then there it was...Muscle Beach. We hit the gym with full force. I was on the stationary bike and Ryan hit the pullups, we were going for a little while but sadly we ran outta steam. So we took some sweet pics of our body building poses and then hit the beach with our new ripped bods to expose. We realized what time it was and decided we should get back to the RV and head for Leno, when all of a sudden, I see "Chuy" the little person from the Chelsea Lately show. No way! Chuy and a whole crew of Chelsea's guest comedians were doing a skit for the show on Venice Beach. They were just taking a few shots of them walking in there 80's workout gear, but it was super cool to see all of them. After we gawked for a few minutes, we scurried back to the RV stat.

We hit the LA freeways and we were a slow moving start that is. I guess it had taken us a little bit longer than we usually take to get ready. I mean it was the tonight show and I had to tame my curly headed beast of a hair-do. Plus, we had to get there in 55 minutes which was across town and kinda in lunch hour traffic. But I was behind the wheel and Ryan was navigating, so we were just the dynamic duo to complete the mission. We made it in record timing, thanks to my maneuvering abilities of the Yella and Ryan's keen sense of direction. We pulled in to the main gate and even got front row VIP parking. It wasn't next to one of Jay's 150 cars he owns, but we only had to walk a couple feet so that was cool.

We walked over to one of the Pages and I told him our names. He ushered us past the long line and got us right in with our very own special green passes. Everyone was either looking at us with anger or interest. We waited outside for a little while, had a cup of water and then we were brought in. Front row of the middle section. Not bad for last minute. Everyone got situated and then Jay came out in his denim fit. The audience cheered and he let us know how important it is to laugh at his monologue and really be expressive during the show, because he is known for having a fun audience atmosphere. No one seemed to have a problem with that. Laughing should come pretty easy with Jay, so not too much of an acting stretch. Then, he went back in to get changed in his business suit and the show was on. Kevin Eubanks started strumming his guitar, the band was up and Jay came popping out with his starting monologue. Demi Moore and Barney Frank were his special guests, along with the band, Train. All in all, it was a great show. We even got to stay afterwards for a taping of a promo and part of the Hannah Montana show.

We left the NBC studios feeling satisfied with our free show and headed to a local famous burger joint in Burbank, Bob's Big Boy. There we scavenged on the Big Boy combo and split a fudge cake with whip cream and 2 cherries on top. After we paid the man and wheel-barrowed ourselves outta there. We headed out on Mulholland Drive to take a cruise up to Runyon Canyon and watch the sunset and take sweet pics atop the city. I gotta say, it was a good day-Ice Cube

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