The Adventure Begins!

We are dipping out on Tampa! Going where no one has gone before: to explore strange new lands and civilizations to ensure we have an awesome life. Follow along with us on this excellent adventure!

Gearing up for the exciting journey! please start from the beginning of the blog if your a new visitor


We want to encourage our readers to join in on our adventure and make suggestions to us. Basically tell us where to go, what to do, where to eat, and just anything that you may know of that we should not pass by. Many of you have been where we are going and probably know more than us. Also venues and whatever may be going on where we may be would be great.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rice a Roni the San Francisco Treat!

We made it to San Francisco in great time and parked the Yella in the Golden Gate Park to stretch our legs a bit and venture out. We headed right for Haight & Ashbury. The psychedelic cross streets that are known for its music, head shops, hippie-vibe and runaway youths that sleep on the street. It is filled with funky thrifts, cool cafes and music stores. Ryan and I hung out there for the day, grabbed a bite to eat and explored a bit. Got back in the RV and maneuvered the Yella through the crazy narrow streets and settled in for the night at our campsite to work on the blog, upload vids and pics and most importantly, have a hot shower.

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Travel Photo Album

Feel free to check out our travel pictures in our web album located at:

We hope you enjoy! Thanks to everyone for following along with us on our travels!